In the past year or so I have frequented the chair at the dentist's office enough to make me squirm at the thought of going back. It's been one cavity after another... and an abscessed tooth from a cavity that I had filled too late (therefore I've also enjoyed getting a root canal).
A few months ago No Greater Joy's monthly magazine had an article on healthy broth and the good a few egg shells can do for your teeth. At about the same time my sister-in-law, Kendra, discovered an article on rebuilding your teeth naturally and preventing tooth decay. I skimmed over the article and thought it would be a good idea to read them in depth sometime... and then saved that thought for another day.
Finally a week ago I read the article in NGJ and made myself some eggshell 'juice'. Today I read a few articles (including the one Kendra found) on the myths of modern dentistry.
Not only do they explain what causes cavities and how to fix them, they are also filled with nutritional information and recipes for living more naturally; the way God designed our bodies to live. I would highly recommend reading them.
On a dietary note, it is simply terrible how people today just go with the flow and eat whatever they are served without a second thought. Fast food, processed food... already ready for you, TV dinners, restaurant food, easy cheese and hamburger helper.... to name a few. Our unhealthy diets contribute to our unhealthy teeth (and undoubtedly alot of our other ailments).
What's even more astonishing is what we think passes for healthy food. Unfortunately it is quite difficult to obtain truly natural, healthy and unprocessed foods... even for those of us who live on farms and raise our own cattle and grow our own vegetables!
I am determined nevertheless, to stay away from the dentist. No more Novocain, no more needles in my gums, no more holes drilled in my teeth (besides, how medieval is it to drill a hole in someones tooth anyway?! This is the age of science and that's all we can come up with?!) , no more estrogen packed fillings or X-rays!!!
Still, the thought of not relying on the dentist to fix all our problems seems a bit risky. Don't the experts (doctors, dentists... etc.) know best? It sounds almost as scary as Dave Ramsey's idea of being debt free and not having any credit or credit cards!
Our society is so used to "living the good life" that we've forgotten the basic element of working hard and doing hard things.
In Genesis 3:17 God told Adam that,
"...Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
I don't think McDonald's was a part of that equation.
Whatever happened to the Proverbs 31 woman? The woman that "worketh willingly with her hands". Who "bringeth her food from afar" and "riseth also while it is yet night"
A woman that "looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness".
A woman that "looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness".
Proverbs 31:31 "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
I know I have just hit the tip of the iceberg. There is some much I have yet to learn about health and nutrition. I don't think I'm going to be a health nut but maybe I'll be able to find a "healthy balance". Right now I am in my prime for learning new things. I am single, I only work part time and with the advantage of libraries and especially the internet there is a wealth of information just awaiting for me!!!
A question is always good for starters...
What are the fruits the women of today? What do with our time... and will it be "praised in the gate". Would we even want our works to be mention in the gates?!?!
Matthew 15:20 says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
It can be a scary question to ask oneself, "What are the fruits of my hands?". One that I like to avoid... but am coming to realize the consequences of telling myself "ignorance is bliss" can bring.
So.... what are the fruits of your hands?
Matthew 15:20 says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
It can be a scary question to ask oneself, "What are the fruits of my hands?". One that I like to avoid... but am coming to realize the consequences of telling myself "ignorance is bliss" can bring.
So.... what are the fruits of your hands?
This is an EXCELLENT post Mary El!
I thought about a lot while reading through it.
First of all, I definitely agree with you that is terrible all the processed jumble that people put into their bodies. However, the local food stores do not make it very easy to make healthy food choices. Organic or homegrown items are often very expensive and/or hard to find, (depending on where you grow up).
Secondly,I would try to be extra careful when getting fillings. I'm not sure if there is an alternative to them (I have a couple from when I was smaller). Most fillings, if not all, are made with mercury. Here's a website I googled. I haven't read this one through, but it might perk your interest if you don't already know about it.
You mentioned something about estrogen in fillings? I have never heard that one before!
Thirdly, I love how you mentioned Dave Ramsey! :D 1,2,3.. I'M DEBT FREE!
Lastly, Proverbs 31 woman, yes ma'am. May God help all the young and elder ladies to do well with our hands and how we use our time. It's so important, and society pushes it out. They have made things so convenient and easy. Thanks for reminding to strive to be the woman God intends for us to be. :)
Love you Melliebellie!
I'm glad you appreciated my post!! It's just a bunch of stuff I've been thinking a lot about lately.
I'll definitely check out that website you mentioned. I'm in the mood to learn more about teeth stuff. lol
Yes, supposedly the resin (white) fillings have estrogen in them and can cause hormonal problems. I don't have any mercury fillings luckily but I do have a lot of resin fillings. :P Maybe it's the lesser of two evils?
God is so good isn't He?!?! To give us such wonderful wisdom and instruction? What would we do without Him?!!! =)
In this life there are always struggles but I'm glad to have great friends like you to live it with!!! =D ♥
Love you too Courtney Jo!!!
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