Monday, October 26, 2009

Right Now I...

I am not: alone
I hurt: when I think of all the evil in this world
I love: my friends and family
I hate: that everything I do is a choice
I hope: to be a Proverbs 31 woman
I hear: the hum of my computer
I crave: adventure
I cry: when I feel like I have to give up a dream
I always: trust too much

I long to: fix my mistakes
I feel alone: when I think that I wasn't not that long ago
I listen: to lots of different music
I hide: from myself
I drive: sometimes

I sing: because I can
I dance: once in a while
I search: for excitement
I feel: like calling you
I fail: miserably
I sleep: alone
I need: to be respected and loved
I am: a child of God

I think: too much
I exist:to glorify God


Kacey said...

Hey girly! So, can you still see my old blog? Because I can't figure out the username or password I used for it, and it's set to private. lol. I think that is so funny. I can't read my own blog. But yeah...Hope you are doing spledidly.

Mary Ellen said...

Hey!! I'm doing great, thanks!
lol! That is too funny..
I can still get on your blog... so I hope you can figure out the password. ;)