Thursday, January 17, 2019

Stop The Sex Addiction Epidemic

It's amazing how fast life can change and grow into beautiful things. God is always faithful to us in every season of life. Even the hard ones. Which reminds me of a close family member who is having a hard time being faithful to his family. It seems that Satan has a mighty plan to destroy him and his family. Yet, I pray that God finds a crack in his stony heart and that love for truth and righteousness will grow in him once more. It seems that the Devil has bound his heart in sexual addiction among other issues. The more I learn of the topic the more I've come to realize that sexual addiction is extremely prevalent in our culture. With the internet providing explicit content instantly to the curious viewer it's no wonder that more and more souls are losing their lives to the secret life of sexual issues. It makes me so sad and heavyhearted. Everyone is at risk... the young, the old, men and woman alike. The only way to break this cycle of abuse is by bringing it to light and helping people become aware of the problems and how they can find a path to recovery.
My sister-in-law had my family watch this video and it was really fascinating. Super sad in the statistics but hopeful in that there's way for people to get help. I could only find the interview in small segments when I searched for it to share on my blog  but you can watch the whole interview by clicking this link:
Dr. Patrick Carnes, Leading Sex Addiction Expert, Video Interview

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