Friday, April 27, 2018

A little overdue humor.

How do you like that title? LOL .....that's my pun for the day. ;)
Anyway, in spite of the fact that it takes a lot of work responding to the many people who want to know if my baby has arrived yet I really don't mind answering their questions. It just boggles my mind as to why they ask since I'd let everyone know if the baby had made it's appearance. But I guess I've been guilty of being curious and pesky so I can't really get too feisty about it all.

Nevertheless my friend Hannah sent me these memes this morning that made my day! I had to share them with you!

My friend Nora shared this hilarious website with me. People would probably get offended if I actually suggested they visit it but I get a good laugh out of the thought....

A line from one of my favorite movies always pops into my head. I did actually post a clip of it from YouTube on Facebook with this caption: "When people want to know why the baby hasn't arrived yet and overdue mom's be like..."

Anyway, I suppose I have too much time on my hands and should take such things more seriously. I know most people are just concerned and have the best intentions because they care and wish the best for my little family. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and don't know what I would do without such a wonderful support group! People who I can bounce my random pregnancy symptoms off of and who assure me that everything will be all right. I'm very thankful for the people in my life. Yes, even the snoopy, extra curious ones. ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's a due date...

Today I've hit 42 weeks of pregnancy. I've had so many inquiries about the baby coming.... but little to answer questions with because not much has changed from two weeks ago. I think the baby has grown some and I've acquired more stretch marks as a result. My feet get hot at night and I seem to be waking up a little more frequently. Not to mention the weird dreams. But you can't make a baby come if mom is healthy and baby has a good heartbeat, is still kicking a lot and is not ready to be out of the womb.

The most frequent question I get is, am I going to be induced? By the end of this week I'll start looking at alternative/natural ways to encourage my body to go into labor, yet even with that I don't feel a rush to get things going. It would be so nice to just naturally go into labor. In fact, I'm not sure why a lot of moms rush to have their babies be born.... it just doesn't make any sense to me. God has a way of working things out in His own time and why would we treat the 3rd trimester any different than the 1st or the 2nd? I think a lot of it has to do with the expectations that we humans put on ourselves. We have timelines and ways to try to organize life and any time something diverges from the expected path we start to worry because of our need to control every little detail. We forget that we really have very little that we can control in life besides our own actions/reactions to the events and people we come across day to day. We forget to wait on the Lord. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord."

One friend commented on Facebook, "It's a due date, not an expiration date." There's so much truth in that statement. I understand that there are plenty of times when it is necessary to use certain means to bring a baby into the world asap, and I am thankful for doctors and tools that we have in such situations. Yet, if these medical interventions are not necessary, why would anyone want to rush a miracle? Ecclesiastes 11:5, "As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."

People tell me they are surprised that I am so patient... yet not once have I considered that I had any other alternative but to be patient. I have learned to be patient through other circumstances like waiting for my husband to come along. That only took 25 years. What then is 9 months? Of course I am excited to meet this little being that's been kicking around in my womb for weeks. Of course I wonder, wish and wait. But I have faith that it won't be long before all of my curiosities and questions will be answered and that day will be delightful.

Psalm 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

Friday, April 13, 2018

Baby Bumps

 Beginning of January with my other pregnant momma friends:
Rachel, Becca, Aleks, myself, Katie.
Only Katie and I have yet to have our babies.
 Beginning of March

April 12th! Due Date! 
....and still waiting patiently for Baby!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

With Great Anticipation

Only two days until my due date.... the big 40 week mark! Not that that means much. Babies come when they will and no gestational predictor or assigned date will urge them to come any sooner or later than they choose. My friends are already asking daily how I'm doing hoping to hear some news. Yet, I've been telling everyone all along that I don't think this baby is going to come early. In fact I suspect it will come "late". This may horrify you, but a lot of babies go over due and actually setting a due day by using a cow's gestational time table is much more accurate. Not always... but sometimes. When my sister had her first baby my dad used the "cow calendar" to suggest the baby would be born on June 30th. Baby came at 11pm that very day... and supposedly over due by human gestational standards. So my "cow due date" is the 23rd. I guess we'll see what happens. My husband doesn't think it's possible for my belly to grow any bigger so every day he says he thinks baby will come tomorrow. That's a fairly safe guess as eventually he'll be right!

Who knows if I'll be prepared enough. This past week was so busy and I really felt worn out by the end of it all. Not surprisingly, I've started to experience swollen ankles and feet. Not by a lot but enough swelling to necessitate sitting down and propping my feet up more often. Baby hasn't dropped yet and is still spending a good deal of time nestled under my ribs. Not very comfortable, especially after a meal!

Jeff and I are really looking forward to our little one's arrival. After nine months I can still barely grasp that we're going to have our very own child. I don't think the reality of it all will set in until I'm holding our little squirmy baby in my arms. No doubt once I've changed more diapers than I've seen in years, or can't pass it off to it's mom when it starts crying it'll really set in. I'm looking forward to it all though and am excited about this new stage of motherhood. I almost feel more like an on-looker watching as I'm swept away by the tides of life into this new experience. That's probably why they tell you not to blink in life because it all goes by too quickly. This first pregnancy has really breezed by and I can only imagine how fast the first year of my child's life will zip past. I'll try my best to savour every little moment.