Anyway, in spite of the fact that it takes a lot of work responding to the many people who want to know if my baby has arrived yet I really don't mind answering their questions. It just boggles my mind as to why they ask since I'd let everyone know if the baby had made it's appearance. But I guess I've been guilty of being curious and pesky so I can't really get too feisty about it all.
Nevertheless my friend Hannah sent me these memes this morning that made my day! I had to share them with you!
My friend Nora shared this hilarious website with me. People would probably get offended if I actually suggested they visit it but I get a good laugh out of the thought....
A line from one of my favorite movies always pops into my head. I did actually post a clip of it from YouTube on Facebook with this caption: "When people want to know why the baby hasn't arrived yet and overdue mom's be like..."
Anyway, I suppose I have too much time on my hands and should take such things more seriously. I know most people are just concerned and have the best intentions because they care and wish the best for my little family. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and don't know what I would do without such a wonderful support group! People who I can bounce my random pregnancy symptoms off of and who assure me that everything will be all right. I'm very thankful for the people in my life. Yes, even the snoopy, extra curious ones. ;)