July is already at it's close. I've spent the month in the most glorious company. From the beginning days, visiting Courtney in SoWis, to the middle of the month which has been full with relatives. Of course, I've spend a good deal of the time chilling with the cows, too. Actually, scratch the "chilling" part. It's been so hot and humid here that working in the barn is more like cuddling with a dirty dog in a sauna for three hours. Sounds appealing, doesn't it. And then here at the end of the month I have the pleasure of spending this evening with a dear friend from Washington.
It's been a good month.
In spite of all of the fun, it's also been a very trying time as my family has been working hard to get the organic dairy up and running. The guys have been spending all their spare time remodeling the milkhouse. We finally sold our 1,500 gallon bulk tank and have purchased a 600 gal. tank that will suit the needs of a smaller herd of cows. There's always some form of paperwork that needs to be done or sent to some dairy personnel.
Needless to say, every penny is micromanaged so that we can get this ball rolling without accumulating a hefty pile of debt. It's hard to justify putting new tires on a car when we need the money to get the business up and running.
I mention tires in specific because I had a flat yesterday. Thankfully I was already at work and the episode didn't affect me getting to my job, but it was still a bother. Interestingly, there is a Christian radio station that plays a 30 minute sermon by David Jeremiah every morning that I listen to on my drive home from work. Lately his messages have been about Job and his wearisome trials. Well played, God. Well played. Haha!
But seriously, it's perfect timing. It seems the Holy Spirit knows what you need to hear and provides for your needs with some sort of reminder or message. Although I'm sure someone's already made this connection and done so with more eloquent words here is the moral of the story as I see it:
Human beings are like rubber bands:
They need to be stretched regularly...
because if they aren't they will become brittle and snap from the smallest amount of pressure.
This life always brings trials. I like the verse in James. Chapter 1, verse 12, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is
tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised
to them that love him."
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