Sunday, March 27, 2016

Looking Forward, Looking Back

March has almost whisked itself away and in a few days it will be April already. I'd thought the long wintery months were behind us but a blizzard brought over a foot of snow. I should have known because March usually brings one last heavy snowfall.
I've been thinking about Colorado a lot these past few days. It was this time last year that my bros and I were enjoying the excitements of that gorgeous state and the company of my Aunt and Uncle. We did so many memorable things that I believe it may have changed me in some ways. I'm not sure how but I suppose magical things happen on vacations like that, in ways that cannot be reversed. Change and growth in this case is good.
This year has been quite different and promises big excitements. Like new babies, new business ventures and I feel that it will not be a disappointing year. ...but I suppose I won't know 'till next year when it's all done and over with. I'm sure next year is only a few days away since time flies faster the older I get. Which is exactly why each day must be taken advantage of, to be used to it's full purpose. 

Anyways, enough vague rambling about time. Granted, I love blogging because it is the one places where I am allowed to be vague, ramble and not be responsible for my bad grammar or random thoughts. Programmers haven't updated the blogging world by adding like-buttons or heart-buttons or videos that play when you scroll past and overwhelming business like they've done to Facebook. I suppose Facebook has always been a bit silly, but as much as it has become necessary to have lately in order to keep in contact with people, it's become a circus of nothingness. People spend more time sharing video clips and memes than they do updating their "status". I used to think updating your "status" was a bit much but I'd gladly take that any day than the constant entertainment and information that has nothing to do with the people are who sharing and posting this stuff.

Or maybe I'm just getting old. Next year it'll be a decade since I joined Facebook. I've been weighing the pros and cons of deleting my account lately. Maybe the real fix would be to not log into my account so often. Delete the app off my phone so I don't have easy and constant access. Deleting Facebook itself is like burning your address book full of names, addresses. It's like choosing to live in a world where you unsubscribe to the local prayer chain and newspaper, saying, "I don't need to know if your baby died, if you're moving to Texas, if you were married yesterday or if you have photographs of your life events to share."
It's these things that I do want to know. The important stuff. Without that social media connection it seems I find out about the relevant information months later. I cannot convince myself which extreme is better.... not just yet.

Lately I've been drawing and painting a good deal more than I have in the past. I'm really enjoying it.. especially the painting part as it's something I haven't done more of and each time I dabble in it my paintings improve. It's exciting to see the evolution of my understanding of the art. I also was given an easel... which is a new experience. I'm currently working on a painting of a New York City street scene in the morning. I'll share it when I'm finished.

1 comment:

Court said...

I agree Mary.. blogging is a nice place to go to scribble down the random thoughts that come to your mind. You know I never feel like I'm going to be judged on the way I blog- because a blog is just that- a place to put your thoughts and memories- and it's like we make up these stories that are vague but powerful- so looking back you remember what you were going through at the time- but in the outside world- it just seems like an inspirational script. lol. ^^

I don't know if I can give you advice about facebook- but I've been happy without it - and I still see people- the same or more amount than I did when I had it- but it does feel like you are deleting peoples lives- but in reality- shouldn't the people still contact you? That's how I always felt- like the people who care about you will still contact you :) like me- like your siblings like your friends from down the road.. but yeah :) I don't know it's tricky- I don't think anybody likes facebook- I mean if you think about it people are just suckered into it now because they feel like their friends and family are all on it but i mean it's just a giant free database for the government and businesses now. One thing is once you go too far- you can't go back- that's just been the tradition in life. ^^ the only thing that can change anything in history so far is Jesus because he can make new out of old. :)

Well at least one thing will always be the same. :)

Love Court