Monday, August 24, 2015

Jake Weidmann

Consider Jake Weidmann, a Master Penman and artist. A glance at his website is enough to amaze those who prefer electronic devices and those who hate the written word. His work is a stunning combination of precision, perfection and perseverance. Not many people have that kind of dedication. It's rare, but it's inspiring nonetheless, shaking us from our predilection for mere and mediocre deeds.  We're tied to our tiresome keyboards and touch-screens, but what about the quaint feel of fresh graphite as it meets the fibrous, white plains of a blank paper?

Write. Write often. Write on paper. Write with a pen or a pencil. Because it's not just a form of communication, it's art.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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