Friday, August 28, 2015

ACE's and Shoelaces

A friend shared a fascinating article on Facebook the other day titled, 7 Ways Childhood Adversity Changes Your Brain and it's too good not to share.

It's amusing because the article refers to telomeres which are,"the protective caps that sit on the ends of DNA strands, like the caps on shoelaces, to keep the genome healthy and intact. As our telomeres erode, we’re more likely to develop disease, and our cells age faster."

It's funny because the first time I heard of telomeres my friend Courtney's brother, Chris, was telling us about them and that was exactly how he explained them! A very clear and easy-to-understand analogy.

This article relates our childhood stresses, or ACE's - Adverse Childhood Experiences, with our adult illnesses. Something we've all had a gut feeling about without the science to back it up.

Really, I like information on humanity because I like humans. Understanding people individually and as a whole is a big part of my life. This article is a must read.

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