Friday, January 2, 2015

Starting From Scratch

It's 2015. I wouldn't mind a big year full of nothing. No excitement. No problems. No pleasures. Just routine. Work. Milking cows.
...but that's not going to happen, is it.

Oh well, ...act now, cry later. That's how I deal with things. If I cry at all. I over-do the happy side of things sometimes because I'm afraid to let my emotions show. So when they do come out of hiding it's more like an explosive network of bombs.... unraveling each issue I've been bottling up since who-knows-when.

I suppose it's all a part of the growing up process. Problems help bring out our worst so we can see it in the daylight and figure out how to address it and move beyond it. I remember from drivers ed, I.P.D.E. ... Identify. Predict. Determine. Execute. Sounds like a good strategy for dealing with life issues.... not just automobile experiences. As General George S. Patton said, "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."

The point is that one should have a plan. Any plan. Yet, nothing sounds interesting to me right now. I have 500 projects I could work on. Things to create, things to make, participate in, accomplish, clean... you name it. ...but the center of my schedule, the one thing that was always sure, was my job milking our cows. It wasn't just a job either. It was my identity, my purpose. 

Just a few weeks ago I was talking to an old homeschool friend and we were discussing careers. She'd just graduated from University, was about to marry a guy who'd also graduated from University and they were moving to the big city where their careers would take place. What was I doing? Milking cows. Of course that didn't sound very lofty to my friend and it didn't matter to me what she thought of my occupation because she didn't understand that though my vocation sounded humble the cause was noble. It seems to me that people don't understand farming much unless they've truly come into contact with farmers or participated in agriculture.

I never imagined myself to be a career chick. I never cared to be out there in the work force, to be the bread-winner. In fact, I thought I'd get married young and have a bunch of kids. It sounded like a nice life plan and it didn't have the big, red debt score to add to the "I do" list. Since the marriage thing didn't happen, I focused on milking cows. Well, I focused on milking anyway because I enjoyed it. It could be difficult, challenging and yet equally rewarding and satisfying. I liked the routine, the passion, and the bigger purpose for dairy farming that reached beyond our little farm. Making food for the world. Now that's something big. Though being a milkmaid sounded menial to others it did not bother me because I knew my worth.

Then, yesterday we took my job, took my purpose, put it on a trailer and sent it down the road to someone else, somewhere else. 

What am I now? 

I am starting from scratch. Scraping together my desires and looking for some all-purpose super glue, in hopes of re-purposing my purposeless being.
O.K. ... I'm being a little extra gloomy. It's not as bad as I'm making it sound. I know I am pretty lucky and maybe in my next post I'll be able to tell you just how lucky, fortunate and successful I am. As General George S. Patton also said, "I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."

Right now it's about not dwelling at the bottom end of things. It's about getting up and carrying on. Winston Churchill said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

So I am searching for the courage. The courage to try new things. Searching for ambition and searching for purpose. I know it's all waiting out there for me... at my disposal. Time to bounce back and advance into the future. 
It's the idea that things happen for good reasons and the best is yet to come. It all hinges on hope... that mere thread of possibility.


Anonymous said...

If you need to get out of town for a while, come visit us for a month. :)

Court said...

Dear Miss Mary Ellen,

My dear friend, my wonderful companion. Life can take it's turns on us- and sometimes they aren't always the most pleasant. I deeply sympathize with your pain in losing most of what you identified with here on earth: I know it seems like probably everything; everything you were able to base your conversations and your lifestyle upon: but, although it seems so; it's still not entirely true: for this God we serve- He has given us a bigger purpose- and He knows and has had this moment in time written out far before you could have dreamt or never thought it would happen: we have a hope. This verse popped into my head when I was writing to you, so this is what is says:

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.
2 Corinthians 4:7

I guess you could take the meaning how you will, but I believe that maybe this verse is written for you- just a sweet reminder to trust in the power of God: that nothing is really in our control- though we like to think it is- so be calm and enjoy each day as it comes- for though you may not look out your window and wake up in the morning to do the same things- you are waking up to a new experience- one you could have never thought to have had. :) One that we probably dreamed of when we were 17 and full of adventure. :) So, enjoy every flower, every last green grass, and winterized shrub and know that these too are gifts from God. :)
Honestly, nothing we do is ever going to seem the most fulfilling on our own, but if we put it in God's hands then it becomes fulfilling. :)

:) You are an awesome chica: you have a lot of skills and abilities- gardening, cooking, baking sweet pies, yummy tapioca pudding, an awesome writer, photographer, friend, conversationlist, Bible-scholar, great debater, inquisitive... :-) So very much... so honestly, there's so many things you can do and enjoy: like taking pictures for weddings or graduations, journalist/journalism, free-lance adventurer or farmer, winter wheat grass supplier, open up a bakery (and sell better/more expensive pies than the norske nook) or even just take every day as it comes- because when it comes down to it dear, the best things in life are the people around you... the love that we are able to share... and God's love that we are able to share. <3 That's the very best thing. So the very best thing is to have you as a wonderful friend. I love you dear. God's got your future; and I'm free when you call. :) By the way, your birthday is in 19 days!!! And mine is in 14! Yay! <3 We're getting to be old clucks now. hahhaa. Not quite, but someday we'll say that. hehe. LOVE YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto regarding Court's comments! Though a chapter comes to an end, many more are yet to be written... blank pages full of opportunity :)


Anonymous said...

Dearest Mary Ellen,
My heart hurts for you as you go through this difficult time in your life. I know that what has been taken from you is part of who you are, a big part, but remember it is not all you are. Most importantly you are a child of God, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine! That great love is one thing that will never change, and can never be taken from you. (Romans 8:35-39). God is so good, so faithful, and so trustworthy! He has a plan for your future – maybe it will involve milking (perhaps you’ll marry a farmer and become the “family milkmaid” again) or maybe He has something else in store for you. Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing or why, but we know He promised to work all things together for our good and He is faithful. Knowing you love music as I do, I thought I’d share some of what always brings me comfort and encouragement when I am down – fragments of songs.

“For I know whate’er befall me Jesus doeth all things well”

“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone,
Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives!”

“When through the deep waters I call thee to go, the rivers of woe shall not thee overflow,
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless and sanctify to thee thy deepest distress”.

“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!”

“All may change, but Jesus never- glory to His name!”

“Guide me oh Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land”

“Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here”

“Be still my soul - when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last”

"Lean on Me when you have no strength to stand.
When you feel you're goin' under, hold tighter to my hand.
Lean on me when your heart begins to bleed
when you come to the place that I'm all you have,
then you'll find I'm all you need.”

I thought of another song that I think would really bless you right now, but instead of typing it all out I’ll just give you a link to listen to it.

Praying for you dear friend,
Rachel F.

Court said...

I thought of something again when I read your title "Starting from Scratch"....

Everything is better when we start from scratch!!! :) Think about it... all those delicious homemade cookies- man they just taste so much better when they are made from scratch <3333!!! :) xoxoxoxoxox!!!

I can't wait for CHRISTMAS.. *wink wink* Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!