Friday, January 11, 2013


It's Friday night. The past few days have been busy! I've been baking and cooking and frosting up the wazoo!!! I'm quite glad that I decided to do things ahead of time because the cake turned out to be harder to make then I thought. Well, it was more of an issue of technicalities and human mistakes.... like using 1 teaspoon of baking powder instead of 1 Tablespoon. It really pays to read the instructions thoroughly before baking!!!! Nevertheless, I'm sort of glad I ended up making 5 sheet cakes instead of 2 because I got to make a crazy, triple-decker, frilly cake for church on Sunday!

Needless to say, I got a little wild with my new Wilton piping supplies!

I frosted the fancy cake first and that came in handy because I was able to determine what not to do on the two white sheet cakes I made for my friend's wedding. I didn't take pictures, but the wedding cakes were simple with a small trim on the bottom. Boy, does it kill the hands to frost cake!!!
Summery: I have a new appreciation for bakers.   

As I have mentioned, my lovely friend Eliya is getting married tomorrow to charming Billy! ;) QUITE exciting!!! I feel very blessed to help out in the wedding. Tonight was the rehearsal. Rehearsals are soooo essential. I don't understand folks who don't have rehearsals... or who have a rehearsal an hour before the wedding. NUTS!!! It all went well though and everyone had a lovely time (though I think a lot of us were frazzled).

Billy and Eliya have set a wonderful example of purity, honoring their parents, and are officially excellent courtship role models. 2 Timothy 2:22
....but more on that after the wedding in the 'official' post!!

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