I read this really cool blog post on the Rebelutiontoday. It was about how people don't ever need stop learning. How we never really achieve the highest of potential that we can because we get fall into a level of good achievement and think we're doing our best.
It was very fascinating... I couldn't even explain it all to you if I tried, but I highly encourage you to check out this blog post.
After about a week of warm weather that melted most of our snow, today we are stuck at home (they are closing some roads and advising people to not travel). Unfortunately my Aunt, Uncle and cousins were on the way home from church and a truck pulled into the middle of the road, as they were coming down a hill, and they ran into it head-on and ended up in the ditch! Thank goodness nobody got hurt. We had already planned to miss church yesterday because my dad figured the conditions would not be fitting for driving. ..and he was very right! There is never a day where my Dad or someone in the house does not know what the temperature is or what the weather is supposed to be like. On the farm we have to know these things.
So today it's windy, warm enough to make the roads slippery and wet/icy, and we are to expect somewhere around 16 inches!
I think this was just to remind the few that are already hopeful for Spring (like me) that Winter still has two more months to go!
I am looking forward to some nicer weather, but winter isn't so bad... I guess. hehe
Well as the whole world must already know, on February 6th, the Green Bay Packers won the XLV Super Bowl!!!
I do not usually watch much football or any sports for that matter but when the Green Bay Packers make it to the Super Bowl it is a "must watch" occasion. The game was really close Steelers had 25 points and the Packers 31 at the end of the game.
It kept everyone on the edge of their seats the whole time.
The in"G"enious cheese tray.
Rob and Alisha!!! Note: Rob's duct tape, green and gold hat!
The Packers won once Landyn put his lucky hat on!
My family gathered in (our good friends) the Sieg's little living room. We all ate lots of good food, drank tasty drinks and screamed and yelled and cheered for the Packers!!! I was practically hoarse by the end of the night!
It was just like old times (when we were all young) and the Packers won the Super Bowl in 1996!
What fun!!
Our neighbors down the road who have this tiny house had probably 15 to 20 cars lined up in their driveway!! It was hilarious! ...we figure they must have a nice TV.
You can watch some videos of our fanatical party at the Sieg's on my youtube account: musicianmel
I enjoyed texting friends and especially my big brother Daniel (who lives in AZ now) during the game! I wish he could have been there with us... but I'm sure he had everybody in AZ getting in the Wisconsin spirit!!! ;)
As always the commercials were funny.
....well there are a bunch of other hilarious ones... but I won't bore you with them all. ;)
(Did you know he's a Christian? and has his own record label? ...it just keeps getting better!)
Victory was ours!!!! The team deserved it for playing so well through the whole season. They almost didn't make it.... but happened to be the wild card team picked from the NFC division. It is the first time a wild card team has ever won the Super Bowl!
My Grammy had my family watch this short little clip today. It was quite fascinating! It is only 5 minutes long so do take the time to watch it. You'll be wishing there was more by the time it's over.
And trust me, you're going to want it full screen. So don't hesitate... enlarge it before you watch it!
This song is so relaxing. All the business, excitement, and stress in life just floats away as you close your eyes and let the music carry you away. Beautiful.