Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On Graduation Day

Today is the big day.
It is a mile stone, a tipping point, the next step
along the road of life.

We've come so far!
You are here today to celebrate with us our graduation
from the twelve years of adventure in school.
Truly though, when the rubber meets the road
we are not the ones who deserve all the praise and applaud.
No... but if you happen to meet up with our parents
be sure to shake their and or give them a pat on the back.
A round of applause would not be undeserved.
You see, they were the ones who sat up late into the night
trying to explain to us
the logic of math and the poetry of English.

They were the ones who helped build our dreams for the future,
expand our horizons, and most importantly,
they brought us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
We can't even fully understand yet,
the pains and love and effort they put into our live,
but today...
They are the ones to whom the congratulations is due.
Thank you, Dad and Mom!


~Courtney Jo~ said...

Awww :) That is very sweet Mary Ellen! Parents are amazing people, probably the most amazing people we will ever meet! :D
CONGRATS on graduating love!
I tried calling you today- but no answer! My permanent work schedule has been changed to Saturday, Sunday, Monday. I may be able to get off those days if I request early enough. :)
Love you Mary El!

Unknown said...

That was very nice!! Sorry I couldn't make it. We had just gotten back from an emergency trip back to MA. My great-grandpa was rushed to the hospital and has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.


Mary Ellen said...

Oh wow Gabrielle!!! That's really too bad! That must have been a pretty crazy trip then huh?
How is your family doing? We haven't seen each other in too long!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had more time and could have put that out at our party... it's only too true!