Friday, May 22, 2015

Spring is the best!

Well, I've been so bad about posting lately. Life has been so busy... 

...which is always the way one should start making excuses for why they've neglected their blog, right? ;) Well, the past week I've been terribly sick. So much so that I lived in my PJ's and in my bed... and taking vitamins and stuff to aid wellness was quite a lot of work. Somehow I managed to milk cows for the neighbor... which was difficult but ya gotta do what ya gotta do when it comes to work, right?

The worst part about being stuck indoors this time of year is looking out the window at all of the green and the flowers and the birds and knowing you could be out there gardening and soaking up the sun. Yesterday I finally felt well enough to do some normal activities and I was so excited to be feeling better that I wore myself out. =P 

BUT!!! I did take some lovely photos of flowers!!! Here are a few that I've taken over the last couple weeks... =D

I just LOVE all of the flowers. Spring is seriously the best season. Less bugs... everything is growing, fresh and new... it's time to get gardens started and visit green houses... the air is warm and sweet and hasn't quite gotten to the point where it's too hot out yet. I could carry on for quite a while... but I think you get the picture. :)

Enjoy this lovely Spring!!!


Court said...

Thank you for posting Mary El!! :)

Mary Ellen said...

I was thinking of you specifically, Courtney!!! BUT.. I figured you might not see if for days because you'd given up on me ever posting again!! ;) ;) ;)