Friday, January 16, 2009

Below Zero

The past couple days have been quite cold. Much to cold for my taste... but this is the North after all. ;) Thank goodness though things on the farm have been running smoothly. The greatest thing about such extreme weather conditions are the people who have to deal with them. The numbers of layers of clothes that they put on and the things they do in spite. My mom was talking to my grandpa today and she found out that he was on his way to the park to take a walk around the lake nearby where he lives. Then there is a cowboy we know who had his picture on facebook in a Hawaiian shirt with sun glasses on and the sun all around... and then he mentions the fact that it was finally zero degrees... what a heat wave!!! lol =D The things the folks around here do; what a crack up!!!
As for myself I try to keep to the indoors as much as possible, but every morning at 8 o'clock and every evening at 5 o'clock (speaking of which, is creeping right up on me) I must venture out into the great refridgerator with my three layers of socks, two shirts and a sweater, and pants and long underwear. =) What ever works right?
I wont be sad when the Spring comes though. ;)

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